During the course of ‘Roadmaps’, a particular emphasis has been put on understanding the context of service providers as necessary intermediaries in enable mechanisation for farmers. To explore this, we have undertaken several explorations of how to support service providers become CASI orientated.
From Roadmaps, we explored with current non-CASI service providers in Province 1 and 2 why they do not provide CASI services. This ‘Roadmaps Service provider study’ is currently being finalised and will be available shortly. For more information, please contact the lead author, Dr. Brendan Brown b.brown@cgiar.org, CIMMYT-Nepal).
The highlights are:
In associated projects, we have also explored the context of service provision, both for Rabi and Kharif Zero Tillage.
Working with CSISA, we explored the context of providing Direct Seeded Rice services in Bihar. This highlighted that limited service provision is not just a factor of the technology (DSR) but of various issues with being a service provider more generally.
This manuscript is currently under review. To request a pre-print, please contact the lead author, Dr. Brendan Brown (b.brown@cgiar.org, CIMMYT-Nepal).